Monday, February 9, 2009

Being cheap and paying for it

I wanted to frugal for this trip so I set a budget. Once I got to London, I would withdraw a certain amount and that was it! No more! It took me a few tries to get my ATM card to work at the airport ATM, but I got my cash and went off to buy my Oyster card.

The London Oyster card allows you to electronically pay for bus, train and Tube tickets. The big perk: there is a daily cap of anywhere from $8 to $18 depending on where you go. This saves you HUGE amounts of money. For example, a single ticket in Zone 1 whether you're going one stop or 12 is $6. With my Oyster card it cost $2.

Anyway, got my Oyster card and set off for my first ride on the Tube...with luggage...and no real idea what I was doing.

I had to change to three different lines: Piccadilly to Jubilee, Jubilee to Central. The first change went fine because there was an elevator. That was rare. Very rare. The Jubilee to Central was a killer. NO elevators, only stairs. Lots of stairs. So I definitely had my workout.

But eventually, I made it to my hotel even if my arms were falling off. I decided that next time, I was paying the extra $15 and taking the train.

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